Whens ever I can, I travel off the super slabs, away from the Interstates. Sure, it’s slower, but then my ol’ truck is more comfortable motorin’ at 50 than 80, an’ I ain’t in no real hurry anyways. The stuf I’m lookin’ fer has been there a long time an’ probably ain’t goin’ anywheres real soon anyways.
So, it’s back roads an’ two lanes, dirt roads an’ country lanes, an’ every now an’ again a drive way or two by mistake. Heck, even sum of those turns out to be interestin’ now and then!
Which is is how, while makin’ my way to Wyomin’, I came upon this great ol’ buildin’ in the middle of nowhere sittin’ off the side of the road. Now, I suspect thousands of folks have driven by it over the years, but you know ol’ Dusty, he’s just gotta stop and see what there is that can be seen.
Now when you’ve been lookin’ round as long as old Dusty has, you look fer certain things in a building… like is the roof still on it… an’ was there a door sumplace that might have let cars and stuff in an’ out… an’ like that. This one had all the good answers, and even had some unexpected ones, like windows that could almost be looked into.
An so it was that my two day trip to the Wyomin’ area took three days. An’ how sum new cool old stuff got added to DustyBarnfinds inventory!
Til next time, from sumplace on the road…
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