Saturday, March 5, 2011

Flyin’ Machines

Been chasin’ a rumor this week… one I heard about near on two years ago, but jus’ now got time to check into. Seems like other stuff kept getting’ in the way, if ya know what I mean…
Heard ‘bout a field sumplace in Wyomin’ hidin’ a whole passel of old tin… fenders, bodies, cowls, headlights, the works. Supposed to be an old rancher’s place who’s since passed on, an’ the stuff is pretty much forgotten.
What were supposed to be a two day drive to git there became three cause I done spotted an old barn on a two lane that I had to check out…. But that’s a story fer a different day.
Like most rumors, this one were long on hope an short on details. Knew roughly where this was supposed to be, but no real directions or landmarks. So, a stop at the local flyin’ strip was in order. Amazin what can be learned from the boys who see it all from overhead.
A box of donuts to the flight shack makes a great introduction, specially if ya like to swap flyin’ stories. An sooner or later, sumbody gonna say sumthing real interestin’ that you just might have been waitin’ to hear.
Which is how’s I came to be 1500 feet overtop of some of the purtiest Wyomin’ countryside I’ve ever seen, ridin’ in some kind of a contrapshun called a Robbie, a two person helicopter. Brush, the guy in charge of keepin’ this thing in the air, is a guy who used to ride saddle broncs fer a livin’, which gives ya sum kinda idea ‘bout his sense of adventure. But he knowed the area like the back of his hand, an’ loved showin’ me what he thought the cool stuff was.
Two hours an’ a sack lunch later, an’ I’d found three spots that definitely needed closer checkin’ out. A gift bottle of sour mash got me an open invitation to fly again any time, an’ a hookup with a guy with a couple of horses who could guide me into the areas I’d spotted.
Til next time, from sumplace on the road…

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